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5 Causes Of Weight Gain After A Tummy Tuck

Following a tummy tuck, it’s not uncommon for some patients to gain weight afterwards. In this post, we’ll outline five main underlying reasons. But before we discuss weight gain after a tummy tuck, it’s important to discuss weight before surgery. A tummy tuck, in and of itself, is not a weight loss operation. While it takes away skin and fat, it really works best when a patient is already close to the weight they are comfortable with. That doesn’t always mean rail thin, but it means realistic and healthy. This is because there are two components to a tummy tuck…. Read More

What Exactly Is A Mommy Makeover?

In the modern era, the term “mommy makeover” gets used a lot on websites and in marketing. In my own practice, I call it postpartum restoration, which I think sounds more professional and true to the actual focus of the surgery. But whether you call it a makeover or a restoration, the goal is the same. It’s about making women who have had children feel normal again and it is one of the most rewarding parts of my practice.  What Is A Mommy Makeover? A mommy makeover refers to a combination of plastic surgery procedures designed to help women address… Read More

Five Facts To Know Before A Mommy Makeover

Mommy makeovers, or as I like to call them, “postpartum restorations”, continue to grow in popularity. More women are now combining some of the most common cosmetic surgeries to improve their physique after giving birth. And because mommy makeovers are so popular, you can find lots of information about them online, but not all of it is true. So, I have decided to share these facts with you, which should give you some idea of what to expect if you are considering this procedure. Fact 1: You Can Combine Any Number Of Surgeries As I mentioned, childbirth can take a… Read More

How To Take Care Of Your Skin

The truth is that you don’t need to spend a fortune to look after your skin. Frankly, most of what you need is at the local drugstore. In this post, we’ll take a deeper look so you know how best to take care of your skin.

What Happens To The Belly Button After A Tummy Tuck?

Patients sometimes seem confused about what happens to the belly button after a full or standard tummy tuck. The fate of the belly button depends on the type of tummy tuck performed. Some tummy tucks don’t impact the belly button, while others require more intensive work. In this post, we’ll explain what you can expect. Belly Button After Mini Tummy Tuck In a mini tummy tuck, a wedge of skin is taken out of the lower abdomen. The belly button remains in place, it may be pulled a little but stays for the most part as it started. Belly Button… Read More

How Small Can A Breast Reduction Go?

Before discussing how small a breast reduction can go, I first want to comment on breast reduction surgery itself. Breast reduction is perhaps one of the most gratifying operations that I perform for my patients. It is fascinating to me how long people wait before they choose to go ahead with it. Obviously, I know how scary it can be to consider any surgery, yet, breast reduction can be life-changing. I can never promise to resolve back, neck or shoulder pain in a patient through breast reduction, but I cannot tell you how many people have improved their symptoms or… Read More

Where Are The Thigh Lifts?

There are tons of liposuctions, tummy tucks, facelifts, rhinoplasties, and more. But the thigh lifts are often few and far between. Why is that?

A Closer Look at Cosmetic Surgery Abroad

Whether it is Colombia, Mexico, or the Dominican Republic, traveling across borders for surgery is known as “medical tourism”. As a practising physician and surgeon, I just don’t get it. 

Fleur De Lis Tummy Tuck: Anatomy of a Procedure

A fleur de lis tummy tuck is a type of plastic surgery you may never have heard of. It may be something you will never need, but for a large percentage of my patients, particularly patients who have lost a great deal of weight, it is at least something that they should be made aware of. The usual tummy tuck pulls lax abdominal skin downwards. This is fine for the average postpartum mom who has gone up and down in weight with pregnancy. But we are lucky that this works for most patients because it is not how weight loss… Read More

Capsular Contracture: All You Need to Know

Capsular contracture is a complication that can affect women after breast augmentation or reconstruction surgery. Numbers will vary from study to study, but overall it may affect as many as one in ten patients.

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